Winter Goal Setting

In our school, teachers work hard to teach our students how to set and achieve a goal.  So this week we worked on goal setting in math.  All of my math students have a math fluency goal that they are working to complete.  Our standard is 1.OA.6 Fluently Add and Subtract within 10.   My students  have their goal setting sheet in their math folder, but I wanted a fun, meaningful way to display them as well.  So we wrote our goals on snowflakes, decorated them (using glitter of course!), and hung them on our goal bulletin board.  As the students accomplish their goals, we will take them off the board.  I reminded them that I didn't want to see any snow after February! :)  Hopefully, the visual reminder of their goals and the promise of taking their glittered snowflake home will be an extra motivator to practice, practice, practice their math fluency!
You can download a copy of math and reading are snowflake goal setting by clicking the image above!  Happy goal setting!  Send me some warm thoughts!  We could use them in Northern Illinois!

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